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University Risk Assessment

All university departments must prepare a risk self-assessment based on management’s identified risk categories. The department’s risk rating will be determined by having the department head/academic chair complete the combined “Risk Assessment Department Profile” (RADP) and “Risk Assessment Rating Sheet” (RARS) electronic form. The instructions below provide the procedures to complete and submit the required document. Any questions should be sent to (电子邮件保护) 或致电ex.2374.

OU Risk Assessment Department Profile Questionnaire

Document Completion Process

  • Go to 韦德体育app官网 内部审计 Department’s website and tab to the “University Risk Assessment” section.
  • Click on 韦德体育app官网 Risk Assessment Department Profile link and login to 韦德体育app官网’s network. Complete the e-form RADP document, including self-rating section. Make sure to click to the “total” button at the end of the Risk Assessment Rating Sheet to compute you total score.
  • 完成后, enter your Supervisor's email address in "Oakland Email for Routing" field then click the “Submit” button. The supervisor may be a Dean, 部门主管, Vice President or President based on your position within the university.

Risk Assessment Document Approval

  • The Supervisor or their designee should review the RADP and determine if the risk rating is appropriate for the operation based on their knowledge and information provided. 如果存在差异, the supervisor should resolve with the individual completing the RADP and rating.

  • The submitter’s Dean or supervisor will enter Vice President, 部门主管 or 内部审计's email address ((电子邮件保护)) in "Oakland Email for Routing" field then Approve/Disapprove. If changes are required, forward the form back to the initial submitter.
    NOTE: For Academic Affairs, Ms. Peggy Cooke Assistant Vice President is the designated final reviewer/approver. The Deans or supervisors should enter (电子邮件保护) in "Oakland Email for Routing" field then Approve/Disapprove.

Vice President’s Authorization and Submission

  • The Vice President or designee should receive a RADP e-form from all units within their responsibility, and review for appropriate rating.
  • The Vice President or designee will enter the 内部审计's email address ((电子邮件保护)) in "Oakland Email for Routing" field then Approve/Disapprove. If changes are required forward the form back to the Submitter's Dean or Supervisor.

内部审计 Department Review and Follow-up

  • 内部审计 representatives will analyze each RADP and rating and meet with auditable unit’s Vice President, if significant risk rating difference exists.


West Vandenberg Hall, Room 125
502 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester,, MI 48309-4452